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City-based Value Based Edtech Platform, MiVirtue Launched

3 min read

Chandigarh, April 26, 2023: MiVirtue, a value-based Chandigarh based Edtech platform today announced its national launch here today. The platform aims to educate moral, social and emotional values through technology based formal education further motivating children to achieve greater success in life.

Vishal Kumar. Founder and CEO, MiVirtue said, “The world is currently so invested in developing robots and AI but what is being missed is the importance and cruciality of value education and so MiVirtue brings India’s first Value based education platform for kids to spend time and attention in learning right values to face the world with the right attitude and mindset.”

While giving other details he said, “MiVirtue, a specialized value-based learning platform will play a significant role in helping young minds learn moral values of life, judge what is right and wrong as well as learn key value skills like Gratitude, Forgiveness, Compassion & Empathy, Teamwork, Honesty, Respect, Sharing and Equality, which they will not learn from their mainstream education classes. The platform aims to boost morale of today’s children that will not only make them successful in their careers but establish trust and respect in the society and community they belong to.

The platform is uniquely patented, secured and designed with modern technology ensuring to provide experience-based learning. Each enrolled student will be guided by the team of specialized teachers & educators who will help with the essential understanding and implementation of moral virtues in everyday situations through live classes consisting storytelling, animated videos, homework assignments & assessments, problem solving activities much more to help children reach the full potential of their Value Quotient & Emotional Quotient.

MiVirtue Value Learning Certificate will play a paramount role in students’ career by helping them in forming strategic decisions, building better understanding between the right & wrong, understanding feelings of oneself & others, drive and balance their emotions and quickly adapt to new outlook and learnings, and build the future they want.

“A student can enroll and reach out to us through MiVirtue website. We offer eight different value courses. The students can opt for one or more than one value-based course. The duration of one value course is between 4-6 weeks. After completion of the course, the student will also be certified for the same”, Vishal concluded.

About MiVirtue:

MiVirtue is an edtech platform which was founded in the year 2022. Our expert team of educationists, child behaviour analysts and child psychologists have together designed this platform which provides highly adaptive, engaging and effective learning experiences with focus on moral education, social emotional development and personality development of children between the age group of 5-10 years.

MiVirtue offers 8 core values through live sessions. Live session of the MiVirtue value series is an interactive session that comprises a story with characters and situations that is extremely relatable to a child’s everyday life scenario. It also involves an animated video of the story helping children learn through visual learning style. Each session also includes worksheet and interaction-based activities which encourages the children to practise the value. All of this is delivered by our professionally trained teachers who have their expertise in child behaviour management.

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